Monday, May 9, 2016

Fervant Chapter 7: Satan stop trying to use my past against me!!!

WOW! Lord I am blown away by your mightiness! You took a time of extreme self-doubt and hurting and turned it into a chance to grow even closer to you. Lord I ask your forgiveness for my gluttony and sloth. I have lived so long defeated telling myself that I am not good enough and that I am defeated. I have believed that I am too far gone for any hope because I have allowed myself to get this far. Lord somehow I forgot that you are stronger and more mighty than any obstacle that Satan may put in my path or that I have allowed to consume me for so long. Lord please forgive me for failing to see this sooner. Today's chapter of Fervant reminded me that I no longer have to live as the girl who is not good enough, not skinny enough or not loved unconditionally. Because I know with great confidence that you see me as beautifully and wonderfully made and you love without condition. I refuse to give Satan any further power over this issue. I will no longer focus on the identity that others have tried and still sometimes try to convince me existed in me for so long. God, I know you have already forgiven my sins of gluttony and sloth and I am so grateful for that. I know that you want me to use my past mistakes and all the hurt that has come with them to be an amazing testimony for You. I choose to walk through this season of my life trusting in Your forgiveness because you have made me an overcomer. I will overcome the label my friends and family placed on me and that I began placing on myself; I will allow only You to define who I am and I will stop believing any of the labels that others may place on me. You created me with purpose, for something much bigger than anyone can ever comprehend. I will use my past as a stepping stone that will only lift me higher and closer to you. I will use my experience to equip my children and others with scripture and knowledge so they can avoid falling into Satan’s trap that he tried to set for me so long ago. I can feel Satan squirming knowing that you have already given me the tools to win this victory. I will live with the knowledge that you have given me from 2Corinthians 5:17 I will remember that with you in my life that I am a new creature, the old has passed away and new things have come! Thank you Lord for giving me this knowledge today and reminding me that I am forgiven and made new. I will make sure I live like that from now on! I pray these things in Jesus Christ's holy and precious name, AMEN.

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